Purchasing coins in Vatican City : modus operandi

I have just returned from Rome and I would like to share with you my experience with purchasing coins directly on site at the Vatican.
To begin with, we will review the history of the euro at the Vatican.
br/>You should know that the Vatican is a micro-state landlocked in the Italian capital: Rome
The Vatican euros are minted by the Italian factory, but are only sold by the Vatican which has two points of exchange. sale: one in St. Peter’s Square (Piazza San Pietro) and the second in St. Martha’s Square (Piazza Santa Marta).
Vatican euros are minted to be sold exclusively to collectors (no coins issued for circulation).

The Piazza San Pietro point of sale

This shop is open Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
This is a small shop in UFN, it is located along St. Peter’s Square (on the left side of the square) and is also located with a Vatican post office and the point of information for tourists.
I didn’t take a photo, but it’s easily recognizable, the storefront is mainly yellow in the color of the UFN.
Inside, there is a sort of counter where you can freely buy some coincards (50 cent coin ‘euro and a Vatican stamp).
Here, if you are lucky, you can also find some 2 euros in BU.
This point of sale is free to access via St. Rock place.

The Piazza Santa-Marta point of sale

This store is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
This is where all the pieces available for sale are located, those listed on the UFN Vaticano website. This is where you will struggle too…
Here you don’t get in easily. Here is the procedure to follow to access it:

1° obtain an access permit

First of all, and especially before your trip, contact the secretary (segreteria) of the UFN to request authorization to access the UFN store located in Piazza Santa-Marta.
Obtaining this permit access is a prerequisite to access the store, if you do not have it, you will not enter.
You can contact him by email at the following addresses:

You can also contact them by telephone or fax:

tel + 39 06 69883005
fax +39 06 69884550

Normally by email, they respond the same day.
You can write in French, they understand French which is one of the official languages ​​of the Vatican. However, it is preferable to communicate in Italian.
Specify, in your request, why you want to access the store as well as the first and last name of all people who will access the store as well as the date on which you plan to get there.
If you are on the UFN list as a buyer, do not hesitate to provide your customer number too, it doesn’t take much effort.

2° access to the Vatican and withdrawal of the access permit

As soon as you have received feedback from the UFN secretary granting you access to the store, go to the Vatican on the agreed date.
Access to the UFN store will be through the door Petriano (Cancello Petriano).
This gate is on the left of St. Peter’s Square.
At this gate there is an access to St. Peter’s Square and a slightly less attractive access for the public, it is this access where you will have to present yourself.
There are two Swiss guards who are located at this right.
The access looks like this:

Present yourself to the Swiss guards who will guide you towards the police office to remove your access.
Before returning, they will ask you to go through a security gate right next door.
The Swiss guards often speak French, you you will surely have no problem making yourself understood.

Once you have accessed, through the gate, at the back of the courtyard, you will have a police post with swiss guards (they speak Italian and English).
They will direct you to the office which provides access. This office is to the right of the police station.
Inside the office, give your passport or ID card, which they will keep in exchange for an access card like this :

3° Access to the UFN Santa-Marta store

When leaving the office where you collected your license, simply go opposite and pass under two successive arches.
You will come directly to Piazza Santa-Marta. You will have to walk along the gas station.
The UFN store is located at the back of the square and looks like this:

Une fois dedans, c’est comme un magasin normal.
Vous pouvez payer par carte bancaire sans souci.
Quand j’y suis allé, le vendeur ne parlait pas français. Prévoyez un ami qui parle italien à appeler si besoin.

Once the purchases have been made, simply repeat the entire process in the opposite direction to exit (go back, return the permit to collect your identity documents and exit).

To summarize, the path you will have to take looks roughly like this:

(Cliquez sur la photo pour agrandir)

Example of purchases at UFN Santa-Marta

If you have any questions, feel free to visit the forum or contact me.

Pierre D
About Pierre D 1041 Articles
Webmaster de 2euros.org

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